Scaffolding with More Possibilities. Lighter. Faster. Stronger. Layher.

Te Papa Maintenance Scaffold

Te Papa Maintenance Scaffold by Geeves Scaffolding
Te Papa Maintenance Scaffold by Geeves Scaffolding

Te Papa Maintenance Scaffold

Geeves Scaffolding were contracted to erect a free-standing scaffold for essential maintenance work on Te Papa in Wellington. Te Papa, with its 36,000 square metres of public floor space, has been open for over 20 years and maintenance work on a building of that size is well-managed and on-going.

Free-standing scaffold

Tim Geeves, Director of Geeves Scaffolding said “we used Layher Allround Scaffolding for its versatility and efficient assembly. The free-standing scaffold measured 20m high and 120m around the building, with 0.73m and 1.09m wide working platforms and backing (buttress) support bays. The support bays were constructed using Layher O-decks (hook decks) and no part of the scaffold touched the building, which was very different from similar maintenance scaffolds.”

Project completed

The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is New Zealand’s national museum, located on Wellington’s waterfront. Known as Te Papa, or “Our Place”, it opened in 1998 after the merging of the National Museum and the National Art Gallery. More than 1.5 million people visit every year. The maintenance project was completed in 6 months.

Thank you to Geeves Scaffolding for the use of these photos.

Free-standing scaffolding provides maintenance contractors great access to Te Papa
Free-standing scaffolding provides maintenance contractors great access to Te Papa