Layher Boot Camp
Jeremy Fleming, our Australian National Manager Sales and Technical and a keen early morning Boot Camp attendee, designed a portable frame that can be quickly and easily erected for exercising outdoors.
Boot Camp Scaffold
Dubbed “The Cage” it has been taken on by the Original Bootcamp, the company that he has been training with. Having recently trialed it at their Instructor Academy to rave reviews, Original Bootcamp have now included it in the list of equipment that their franchises must have (there are 45 franchises across Australia, and Malaysia is having their first 2 sets delivered from Singapore next week).
If you wish to erect your own Cage, please contact Jeremy for more information on the components required, and a demonstration of the appropriate exercises.
Thanks to Jeremy Fleming of Layher Pty Ltd for the use of these photos.
Jeremy Fleming
Layher PTY Ltd
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