Deck to Deck Swedish Boat Show
Layher Sweden designed a big series of podiums for the Scandinavian Boat Show held in Stockholm using the Layher Event System. To get a good view of all the boats and easy access to them the organisers wanted walkways between them.
“It was a challenge designing walkways with good fit to all the boats – some boats were turned 45° and constant changes were made during the planning,” said Fredrik Wik, Layher Technical Designer. “In the end approximately 3,000 m² Event decks, in almost all the different deck lengths including triangular decks, which turned out to be very useful.”
The height of the platform was also different for different parts of the walkway, between 1.25m to 1.5m for the motor boats and 2.0m up to 2.5m for the sail boats. This required a lot of stairs, including sufficient emergency escape routes.
Thanks to Fredrik Wik of Layher Sweden for this photos.
Fredrik Wik
Layher Sweden
Layher Event Systems
Layher Stair SolutionsDetails
Approximately 3,000 m² Event decks were used.
It was a challenge designing walkways with good fit to all the boats
Fredrik Wik, Layher Sweden
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